My name is Megan.  I’m a 28 year old bartender.  I have one beautiful, perfect cat

named Sigyn.  AKA Baby Panda.  AKA Baby P.  AKA Fluff Nugget.  He’s six, and he’s growing up way too fast.  I’m from Cleveland, TN, not Ohio- which is everyone’s first assumption when they hear “Cleveland.”   I’ve recently taken up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which has been put on a little bit of a hold due to the pandemic.36ADB25C-2E68-46D3-AB3A-882194AA8260

Speaking of the pandemic, I’m real over it by this point.  I’m over people not taking it seriously.  I’m over the murders from people being asked to put a mask on.  I’m over the racist acts it’s caused. I’m over people telling me, “I bet I’ve already had it.”  I’m simply OVER IT.



I really miss going to my bjj gym.   It has opened back up, and I could go right now, technically.  We have to be spaced out, and can’t partner up right now.  The mats are taped into sections so that we’re not too close to people.  #socialdistancing.  I don’t learn well without a partner to try things on.  I’m a very hands-on learner.  I’ve also been picking up extra shifts at work to make up for the time I had to be out of work for over a month.  Classes are only twice a week right now, and I work both of those days.  I can’t wait for the gym to get back to normal.  I miss my weekly routine.



Anyway, I just kinda wanted to give blogging a try.  I’m thinking of it like a public diary for my thoughts.  If I keep up with it, I think it would be cool to look back through my posts in a couple years.

Au revoir.